Around 300 people attended the Healing meeting from the Adult group in H
I am so blessed to hear that Rebecca got healed at the meeting while worshipping God.
This is her written testimony....
"Rebecca suffered a leg cramp when she went swimming in th
Wow! God is great! He is the God of impossible! We cannot dictate how will God heal people. He healed people in many miraculous ways. Reading Rebecca's testimony really increased my faith in God. Let us believe God to use more people during our praise and worship in church. Amen! Glory to God!
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name; worship the Lord in the splender of his holiness. Psalm 30:2
Peter, I visited your blog today after a long time. Thanks for the kind words. It was great having you with us in Singapore. It is wonderful to see how God is continuing to use you in ever increasing measure. Appreciate your friendship too. Do take care.
hello Peter,
i am Bishop Imoite Papa from Nairobi, Kenya. i would like to know how to contact you.
God bless you
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