I am writing this blog entry on the plane, high above the sky and above white clouds. I am inspired to write about having an enduring passion for God. I pray you too will be inspired to have a greater passion for Him.
Over the years, I have developed many passions in my life. I remember when I was young; I had a passion for playing table tennis. I joined a table tennis club where I would develop and hone my table tennis skills and techniques with my coach. For the next few years, Friday night would be a holy night for me. I avoided all social activities so I could attend my weekly training programme. I wanted to compete and win table tennis competitions. I was very zealous for table tennis and won a few tournaments. I started to collect trophies and medals. It was a source of pride to show visitors my sporting accomplishments and I displayed them in my family’s living room.
As I got older, my passion for table tennis waned. I wasn’t as zealous or excited about my Friday night training programme. I only came when I had free time and eventually, I stopped coming altogether. What happened to my passion for table tennis? What happened to my desire to compete and win prizes? My desires had changed over time.
Daily cultivate your passion for God
In the same way, our passion for God and His kingdom may die over time if we do not cultivate our relationship with Him. At first, we are excited about reading the Bible, prayer, fellowshiping with other Christians and ministry. We were willing to make some sacrifices in order to draw close to God and fulfil His purposes.
Don't allow circumstances to affect your passion
Over time though, other priorities may distract us from pursuing God. Our devotion to God fades. We neglect prayer and forget to read His Word. What was once our joy to seek God has become a duty or even a burden.
God wants to restore our passion toward Him today. God never changes. His love and purpose for us remains the same. We need to return to God and seek His face and discover our identity and purpose in Him again.
Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:8-11
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Direct your focus on gaining Christ
Paul’s one burning passion in life was to know Christ and be found in Him. He desired to have an intimate relationship with Christ; a relationship that revealed the power of God in his life. Apostle Paul was not satisfied with just a superficial encounter with God. He wanted everything that God had to offer him through Jesus Christ. Paul’s passion for God was enduring; it lasted the distance even though he faced many trials and oppositions.
I desire to follow Apostle Paul's footsteps. I want my passion for God to last and endure the test of time. I want to keep my relationship with God fresh each day and rely on His grace on everything I do for Him. Let us stir one another to live a life full of passion for God and His purpose.
Healing Story
My name is Linda Ak Kapi. I want to testify how God demonstrated His power to me. I am a housewife and mother of two children. I have experienced back pain for the past five years.
Whenever I do house chores or carry my child, the pain never ceases to disturb me. My doctor advised me to take vitamins for physical strengthening because there is nothing much that can be done to cure my back pain.
Ever since I knew Peter Truong is coming, I started praying for God to touch and heal my back pain and heart. During the first healing service at Kretam, I witnessed so many people getting healed; among them those who also experienced back pain for many years. My faith increased. The second day, I responded to the call to receive prayer. Right after prayer when I tried to exercise my back, amazingly, I found the pain that had been troubling me for five years was gone! Praise the Lord! Written by Linda Ak Kapi
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