I am really blessed by a recent bible study lesson written by Pastor Lai Ling Lim called "Miracles happen when we pray." This bible study lesson was adapted from a book written by Quin Sherrer. The author shared some essential keys to praying for miracles. I pray that you will be inspired to believe God for miracles through prayer.
Miracles happen when we pray!
Within us is an instinctive longing for miracles. We desire to see our own lives and the lives of those we love transformed by God’s touch of extraordinary grace.
Do you know that God listens to our heart? He hears our whispered prayers. Most times our prayers are tightly alinged to the granting of the miracles we long for. I believe prayer to be a catalyst for miracles.
Have you experienced God’s miracle before? Share it with one another – that God-moment!
What is a miracle?
The dictionary describes it as “an event that cannot be explained byn the known laws of nature and is therefore attributed to divine intervention.” Miracles reveal the nature of God. How do we get a miracle? Miracles come by faith in God’s existing power, not by formula or a ritual we perform. See Matthew 17:20. Do we have the faith as small as a mustard seed? To pray for miracles, you can start with where you are at, with what you have, you don’t have to wait until you have “super” or “big” faith.
How does this motivate you forward in your prayer life?
How do I pray then?
Seek God regarding the situation that presents the need for a miracle. Ask the Lord what He would want done in this present circumstance. Then wait on Him to reveal His mind, His will to you.
Seeking God’s will would require us to read His Word, the Bible. Ask the Lord to show us appropriate passages in Scripture. We need to also understand Scriptures in context. To pray is to work with God, not to use Him as we wish. We don’t demand. Prayer involves a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. It is our privilege to speak to Him, let’s learn to listen to Him.
Given the above statements, how would you adjust your prayer life to reflect more of how god desires us to approach prayer before Him?
Effective praying keys:
a. Be explicit – Luke 11:5. The man woke up his friend at midnight to ask for three loaves of bread, explicitly 3 loaves of bread.
b. Be persistent – Luke 11:8-10. The ma knocks continuosly until his riend got out of bed to listen to his request. The point is that we are encouraged to be bold and be persistent when we pray.
c. Be in agreement – Matthew 18:19-20. Ask a prayer partner (your spouse or your close friend, your paryer support team, your life group leader) to pray with you concerning a particular need. Miracles happen when people pray in unity just as we are wanting to do in Fast and Prayer fortnight.
d. Be Bible-based – Psalms 119:105. When we are better acquainted with the Bible, we will also get to know God better and understand how to pray in accordance to His will.
e. Be open to the Holy Spirit – Romans 8:26-27. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Never presume God is going to answer in our preconceived way or exact time frame. Faith is demonstrated when we choose to trust God when he has spoken to our heart – trusting Him to fulfill His will in His time and His way. Such inner trust in God is an overflow of time spent in prayer, listening and waiting on Him.
f. Be thankful – Phillipians 4:6. Let us present our prayers to God with thanksgiving.
g. Be willing to fast – Those serious enough to fast and prayer tend to yield the following: directions and answers from God, a deeper understanding of Scripture, a closer walk with God, a humbling of oneself, healing or even deliverance.
h. Praise God – Psalms 22:3. In our prayer, we should enthrone God, focus on Him.
i. Trusting God always – 2 Chronicles 20:12. When we come to the end of ourselves, we should still praise God! We don’t know how or when our miracle is coming, but we can still give thanks for His mercy and lovingkindness shown to us. Let’s not give up on expecting God for our miracle (as long as it is within God’s Word)!
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