Monday, August 17, 2009


I am so blessed to read Martha's healing testimony. It is amazing to see what God can do in our lives when we have faith in Him for signs and wonders. Allow God to do miracles through us each day. I pray that you will be inspired by Martha's testimony.

Martha Banda-Chalwe Healing Testimony

I greet you all in Jesus’ name. My name is Martha Banda-Chalwe. I am a student at the University of Queensland’s Division of Physiotherapy.

I wish to share with you one of the many miracles that God has done in my life. In 2000, I started experiencing pain in my lower spine. I was told that the fifth lumbar spine bone had slightly shifted to the right and the bone was pressing on the nerve leading to my right leg. Because of that pressure on the nerve, I used to experience pain on my right leg up to my knee.

The pain used to be constant, especially when I sat down or had to stand for a long time or bend my back. The doctor had even recommended surgery to my back which I refused. When I came to Australia from Zambia, I was still experiencing the pain.

In April 2009, I went for the Tuesday prayer meeting in the city with one of my daughters. I responded to the altar call, praying for healing. I prayed in my heart, “God help me with this pain, I surrender it to you”. I saw myself walking to the front to receive prayer. As other people were being prayed for, I felt some relief on my back. It felt like there was ice on my back. After altar call, I returned to my seat, moved my legs and bent my back and there was no pain.

Since then, there is no longer any pain on my back and leg. I feel good. I am able to sit or stand as long as I want, I can even bend my back!

Jesus reminds us in Mathew 17:21,

“I tell the truth, if you have faith as small as mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you”.

God reminds us again of His power when we have faith in Him. Luke 1:37 says

“For nothing is impossible with God.”

Written by Martha Banda

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