Monday, April 23, 2012



Mose and the israelites had no water in the desert to drink but God has an answer to every problem. God asked Moses to strike the rock and water flowed out of the rock. Whatever problems we face today, ask God for an answer.

Exodus 17:6 "I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Moses was a man that walked in obedience to God's words. In every situation and problems, Moses would enquire of God and follow God's instruction. When Moses and the Israelites found bitter water after crossing the Red Sea, God instructed Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water and the water was purified. This time, there was absolutely no water found in the desert. There was only a rock in front of Moses. God asked Moses to strike the rock with his staff and water started to gush out of the rock. God provided a different solution to the same problem and Moses just obeyed God's words.

We need to learn to listen to God and obey God for all of our problems in life. We would be less stressed and more relaxed if we just learn to seek God every time we encounter problems in our lives and follow His instructions. God has an answer to every situation we face in life. Nothing is in the too hard basket for God. No water? God made water flow from a rock to quench thirst of 3 million Israelites. No job? We can pray for God to provide a new job or pray for God to help us start a small business or pray for God to allow us to further our education.

God have many good solutions for our problems so we should start listening and obeying Him.

Monday, April 16, 2012



The Lord provided for Moses and the Israelites' bread from heaven in the desert. Today, God also promises to provide for our daily needs through Jesus Christ. Let us trust in God to provide for our family, business and ministry

Exodus 16:4 "Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day".

It was something never seen before in the history of humankind: God raining down bread from heaven to feed 3 million people walking in the wilderness. It is hard to believe how God could make so much bread from heaven rain down on earth. This is beyond human logic and scientific explanation. The only explanation to this phenomenon is God can do all things. He can choose whatever ways to provide for the Moses and the Israelites. God did not lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness to die of starvation. God's name was glorified by this supernatural provision from heaven. None of the Israelites could doubt His love and provision by this supernatural act of God.

Likewise, we need to put our trust in God for every provision for our lives. We can trust God to provide in the area of our education, finance, business, ministry, relationship and future. Let us believe God to provide whether we trust Him for small things or big things. God often wants us to trust Him in the little things first before we can trust Him for bigger things. Do not allow the lack of provision stop us from believing God for provision. Moses and 3 million Israelites walked in the desert with no provision of food. God provided bread for them from nothing. God can provide for us through many means and options.

We need to keep praying and trusting in God to provide in His perfect timing.

Monday, April 9, 2012



When Moses and the Israelites were in the desert and there was no water, God used Moses to convert bitter water into drinking water. Moses threw a piece of wood into the bitter water and it became drinking water. God can provide for us even during the desert time.

Exodus 15:25a "Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink.

How much litres of water is required for a moving population of 3 millions Israelites walking in the desert? The amount of water needed would be a same amount as a modern city today. Water is essential to life. Water is needed for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, cleaning etc. Without water, the whole community of Israelite would perish in the desert. Moses confronted his biggest challenges since crossing the red seas; where to find enough water for 3 millions people in the desert? The water that they have found was undrinkable, it was bitter. God has a way of purifying the water. He asked Moses to throw a piece of wood to purify the water. The water became drinkable after Moses threw the piece of wood into the water. It seem like the piece of wood acts as a healing agent to purify the water for drinking purpose.

God is so good at doing the impossible. He created nature and He can use what is in nature to fix the problem. He did not allow the Israelites to cross the red seas to died of thirst in the desert. God is so much bigger, He always has a solution to every problem we face in life.

Let us trust in God to continue to do miracles and provide for us.

Monday, April 2, 2012



God parted the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites to cross over to the promised land but He closed the Red Sea on the Egyptian army. Let us pray for God to open the way for our family, business and ministry. God can make a way when there is no way.

Exodus 14:29 "But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left".

Imagine the Egyptian army with the finest soldiers, weapons, horses and chariots pursuing a slow moving crowd of three million Israelites with families, children and the elderly. It would not be a contest: the army of Egyptians would wipe out and destroy the Israelites in no time. However, God had an answer for the Israelites in spite of the impending danger of the pursuing Egyptian army. God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross over safely to dry ground, and closed the Red Sea to destroy the pursuing Egyptian army. God always has a plan; a way and a door for His people when there seem to be no way.

There are times when it seems everything is conspiring against us and doors are closing shut on us. We don't need to be in despair because God always provides hope and opportunity for us. We need to fix our eyes on God during the crisis rather than fixing our eyes on the crisis. We can magnify our crisis by dwelling on it all the time. Moses looked to God during the crisis and God provided a way out. We need to look to God for a way through, or out of, our situation. God is ever ready to help us in times of crisis so that we can experience more of His love, wisdom and power. God wants to glorify His name in the midst of our trouble. After the parting of the Red Sea, the fear of God spread throughout the land of Canaan because they heard of the mighty deliverance of the Israelite people.

The God of Hope will always provide hope to His people in times of crisis.