Impossible is Nothing for God. He is the God who can do all things.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
When Jesus was confronted with impossible situations, He always made the impossible possible. Jesus was at a wedding banquet where the celebratory wine for the guests ran out; Jesus turned water into wine. There was another time when Jesus was with 5000 people in a remote area with no food available. He made five loaves of bread feed 5000 people. When Jesus met a widow mourning for her dead son, He reached out His healing hands and brought the son to life. A crippled man neglected by the pool for years was healed by Jesus’ command. The list of Jesus’ miracles can go on and on.
Where does this leave us? God desires for us to live a supernatural life through the Holy Spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit to empower us for a life of miracles. We cannot live a powerful life without the working of the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and act upon the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Recently, I was encouraged by a healing testimony of a couple. They had been married for six years and they were unable to have a child. We prayed for this couple and they now have a beautiful daughter. Another time, I went with a pastor to pray for this couple. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that the wife suffered pain in her hands. I asked if she experienced any pain in her hands. The wife told me that she has had pain in her thumb for four months. The pastor and I prayed for her thumb and the pain instantly disappeared. She was surprised, amazed and grateful that God healed her. We can see that this lady has encountered the power of the living Christ. We were also happy that God has chosen to pour out His grace and power through us to this woman. Indeed, miracles can happen when we allow the Holy Spirit to move through us. Glory to God!
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