While the disciples were with Jesus in a certain place, one disciple asked Jesus about prayer. I guess the disciple wanted to know how to have a powerful and effective prayer life like the master. Jesus shared with them a parable to highlight some important principles of prayer. Read Luke 11:5-9
5Then he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, 6because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.' 7"Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' 8I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs. 9"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
I believe Power Prayer involves the following:
Power Prayer involves asking
When I was growing up, there were times when I did not want to ask anyone for help. I just wanted to be independent and self sufficient. I would struggle on my own in order to achieve something or acquire something. I guess all of us have an independent nature where we don't want to bother the people around us. We try to make things happen through our own efforts. We feel shy or reluctant to ask for help because it may be seen as a sign of weakness or inadequacy. In this parable, this man was bold in asking his friend for help, despite the inconvenient time. He was not self-conscious but he wanted to provide for his guest, who was at home and was hungry.
Pride can stop us from asking for help. This man was humble enough to ask for help because he did not have the resources to help his friend. We need to be humble, to acknowledge our needs before our God and ask for help in big things or small things. Over the years, I have developed a habit of coming to God in prayer in every situation. I see God as my friend who I can run to for help whenever I need. He will not turn me down when I come to Him in humility. Come before God and ask Him for your daily needs today and see His power at work in your life.
Power Prayer involves seeking
Sometimes prayer does not end with words only. Prayer may involve looking and seeking God for an open opportunity. For example, if I pray for a job, after prayer, I would start looking in the newspaper or yellow pages to find job vacancies. As I look for a job, I would be praying for God to lead me to the right position. We need to look for openings, contacts and opportunities after praying to God. The man in the parable sought out his friend for help. God may lead us to people who can provide help.
Power Prayer involves doing
When our prayer is combined with action, we will see great results. Often, God requires us to do something after we pray. We need to follow God's counsel or instruction after prayer. The man in the parable kept knocking on the door until there was an answer. He just persevered and did not quit. We need to ask questions to God like; "What does God requires me to do?"
When God called me into the healing ministry, I started to pray for His anointing and for open opportunities to minister in different countries and churches. I started to look for open doors and contacts. God is faithful to His calling. He made a way for me to be connected to many churches. I want to encourage all of us in our prayer life. Don't just pray but believe God for Power Prayer!
Healing Story
A man who came in a wheelchair, who after prayer testified that he felt new strength in his hips and managed to take a few steps for the first time in years. There was another girl who had limited hearing in one ear; she was healed. Many others were touched and healed by the power of God. In the air, there was a tangible sense of freedom and joy. Praise the Lord!
Calvary Church, Emart
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